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Friday, 23 June 2017

Hello friends, This is Ram Pareek and welcome to you my blog. Today i will show you ''How to calibrate METTLER TOLEDO IND-320''. I will showing you step by step demonstration.

1st  i will tell you why we use this device. 

It is used for measuring weight. It covert 0 to 10 mv into 4 to 20 ma. IND 320 is a specialized controller designed for batching & blending Applications. It is a Simple / Smart / Specialized terminal for all kinds of process industries catering to OEM's / system integrators & end users markets.

First we attach loadcell with IND320. if you dont know where we connect load cell tan please read the manual carefully. I am providing you IND320 user manual. Download IND 320 Manula please click here.

Anyway last talk about the topic. now we start How to calibrate IND320. steps are following.

First we know about the keys. There are four keys.

It is a ZERO key. Use for move back from the menu and re-zero the weight.
It is a Tare key use for increment. 
It is a ROTATION key. Use for shift the digits.

It is an ENTER key. Use for enter the menu option and select options.

Ok friends now we know about the keys. lets start calibration process.

Press and hold Enter key untill you show this page.

First Step
Now again press ENTER key and you see SCALE SETUP.
Now again press ENTER key and you see SET CAPACITY.
Now press ROTATE key until you reach at ADJUST ZERO.
Press ENTER key and you see ADJUST ZERO ( with a X mark in bottom).
Press ROTATE key and you see X mark trun into tick mark.
Press ENTER key to perform zero adjust.
Now indicator display ''EMPTY?''.
make sure your system has no load. where loadcell are mounted. Because when you do this IND320 give you 4 ma and 0mv at this position. If scale is empty than do further process.

Now press ENTER key and you see gauge start moving, 20..40..60..80..100% like this.
Congrats!! you done zero Calibration sucessfully.

Second Step

Now again press ENTER key and you see ADJUST ZERO
Now press ROTATE key until you reach at ADJUST SPAN.
Press ENTER key and you see ADJUST SPAN ( with a X mark in bottom).
Press ROTATE key and you see X mark trun into tick mark.
Press ENTER key to perform span adjust.
Now indicator display ''Load Weigh''.
Now enter the weight useing TARE key and ROTATE key.
Put weight at system where loadcell are mounted.
make sure puting weight is must be 30% of set capacity value(Ex. if 300 set in set Capacity option then requried weight must be 100kg). Because when you do this IND320 give you 20 ma and 10mv at this position. after put weight on scale then do further process.
Weight must be used as ISO standard.
Now press ENTER key and you see gauge start moving, 20..40..60..80..100% like this.

Congrats!! you done Span Calibration successfully.

Press ZERO Key three times and you see weight on Indicator.
Please 1st cross check the weight, using different value weight put on system. If indicator show correct weight which you place on system/scale then calibration method done successfully.
If indicator show wrong value then check loadcell position and milliampere using maltimetter.

IF there is ant confusion please watch this here

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